Chicco Red Bullet Balance Training Bike

[easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B004SN4YHK” cloaking=”default” height=”107″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”” tag=”product-depot-20″ width=”160″]The Chicco Red Bullet Balance Training Bike helps children quickly learn how to get the balance they need to ride a two-wheeled bike. If your child first learns to use the Chicco Red Bullet Balance Bike, it will make it so easy for them to start riding a real bicycle with less difficulty when that time comes. The balance bike will help them learn to balance and steer, so all that is left to learn is the pedaling.Learn more…

  • Puncture-resistant tires help provide a smooth rid
  • height-adjustable seat so feet reach the ground easily Padded saddle seat for cushioned riding
  • Rubber handlebar grips for extra comfort
  • Lightweight, sturdy metal frame for children up to 55 lbs.
  • Ages 3 and up

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